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Oral and Facial Surgery Pullman/Lewiston

Oral & Facial Surgery
Lewiston, ID | Pullman, WA

Specializing in Dental Implants &
Wisdom Tooth Removal with Sedation

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Welcome to
Oral & Facial Surgery

Dr. Stephen W. Holm & Dr. Sherdon W. Cordova

At Oral & Facial Surgery, Drs. Holm and Cordova specialize in oral and maxillofacial surgery. We care for individuals in need of a surgical team that can predictably provide oral and maxillofacial services. With board certification status, and many years of experience in this field, Drs. Holm and Cordova, together with their team, will gently and skillfully examine, diagnose, and treat you and your loved ones in a caring and professional environment. Our mission is to provide the most up-to-date services to our patients in a safe and reliable manner.
✓ 40+ years of combined dental surgical experience
✓ 50,000+ Wisdom Teeth Removed
✓ 10,000+ Dental Implants Placed
✓ Thousands of Satisfied and Safely Sedated Patients

Diagram of dental implant in lower jaw
Elderly woman enjoying her new smile
3D rendered xray of an impacted wisdom tooth (highlighted in red) butting against the tooth next to it.
Dental x-ray of a full mouth
Always a great experience

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I was referred to Oral & Facial Surgery. I am very grateful for Dr. Holm and all the staff there, and I would like to say thank you to all of you. From my consultation to my wisdom teeth extractions, they have been super friendly and helpful. All instructions and discussions on prices are made clear. I highly recommend this place. I have dental phobia, so they have helped me in my journey of conquering my fear. You are in good hands here.
- Shelley W.

Dr. Cordova and his staff are very kind, professional and outstanding at what they do. You are in good hands with Dr. Cordova!!!
- Karen Z.

Watch what our other patients have been saying:

Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Cordova and Dr. Holm met in the fall of 2003 as they trained in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery together at Carle Foundation Hospital and Clinics in Urbana/Champaign, Illinois. Carle Foundation Hospital is the only level one trauma center between Chicago and St. Louis and between Springfield, Illinois and Indianapolis, Indiana. This large rural-affiliated area consists of over 1 million people. Carle Foundation Hospital and Clinics is the 10th largest physician-owned hospitals/clinics in the United States with multiple smaller hospitals and clinics spread throughout the East Central Illinois region.

The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery residency at Carle Foundation Hospital and Clinics began shortly after World War II . It is the only surgical residency within the hospital, accepting only a single resident per year. This unique training environment provided personalized one on one training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery as well as on other rotations throughout the hospital. Without any other surgical residencies such as ENT or Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency program provides 24 hours a day-365 days per year coverage in the clinic, hospital, emergency room, and operating room for craniomaxillofacial issues.

An Experienced Team

At Oral and Facial Surgery, our team strives for excellence in patient care. We consistently maintain up-to-date knowledge of our specialty and take the time to care for each individual. Our teams work hard to consistently maintain up-to-date knowledge. This philosophy of excellence is at the heart of how we care for our patients. > Learn More About Our Team

Two Locations to Serve You

Lewiston, ID

444 Thain Rd, Lewiston, ID 83501

Pullman, WA

1256 Bishop Blvd Suite I, Pullman, WA 99163

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Home Oral and Facial Surgery | Oral Surgeon Pullman WA Lewiston ID
At Oral & Facial Surgery, Drs. Holm and Cordova specialize in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Give us a call and make an appointment to see us today!
Oral and Facial Surgery Pullman/Lewiston, 1256 Bishop Blvd. Suite i, Pullman, WA 99163 ^ (509) 872-4294 ^ ^ 1/28/2025 ^ Page Phrases: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Pullman WA ^